Today is Vet Nurse Day!
A day to celebrate, appreciate and remember the hard work and dedication of our vet nurses. Mittagong Vet Hospital is very fortunate to have an amazing team of nurses; Nurse Erica has been nursing for over 30 years, continuously caring and comforting animals and supporting veterinarians. Nurses Brittany, Ash and Luca have just begun their journey in this very rewarding, but often unseen, vital work. We are so grateful to have this team of dedicated, smart, and caring nurses working with us!
Vet nursing is a highly skilled occupation. The role asks for a balance of great courage, strength, patience, tenderness and empathy. Vet nursing officially dates back to the beginning of the 20th Century in England, when Royal equine veterinarians required specially trained nurses for assistance, and later into the 1920s, canine veterinarians required nurses to tend to sick and injured dogs. Vet Nursing became a fully-fledged course in 1961 at the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons England & Wales. Yet, we know that a considerate tending to the welfare of companion (and wildlife) animals has, no doubt, occurred for much longer; Since our distant human ancestors first bonded to wild animals (like wolves, cats, horses and camels, elephants, and more) the work of caring for sick and injured animals began, and it continues into today with the help of our vet nurses.
We are so grateful to Erica, Brittany, Ash and Luca, and all the nurses we’ve had over the years; they’ve helped ‘keep the wheels on’ every day. Veterinary work would be difficult without them. Please join us in sending a giant, huge and very deserved THANK YOU to our (your) amazing vet nurses!
#vetnurseday #vetnurseday2021 #vetnurse #mittagongvet #mittagong #southernhighlands #myVNCA

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